aycelovers.com taiwanese beef noodle soup
Tips Trends

Beef Noodle Soup in Taiwan

When visiting the country of Taiwan you can’t walk down a single avenue, street, or boulevard without encountering a beef noodle soup restaurant. It’s a key pillar within Taiwanese food culture, so important to them that they hold a festival each year for the most delicious beef noodle soups for everyone to enjoy. How did […]

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aycelovers.com ho pot restaurants
Ideas Trends

Hot Pot & Shabu Shabu

If you spend a large amount of time eating Chinese cuisine, then you obviously have tried Hot Pot before, but if you haven’t, allow me to explain.  Hot Pot, also known as “Shabu Shabu” in Japan, or “火锅” (Huo Guo) in China, is a very popular dish involving a variety of sauces, meats, vegetables, and […]

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Cantonese Cuisine
Tips Trends

Cantonese Cuisine

粵菜, one of the oldest cuisines in China. Its cuisine originated from Guangdong, China. It has been around over 2,000 years. This cuisine’s popular items might exist around your daily life and you don’t even notice. For example, dim sum, roast meats such as pork and duck. Many people love indulging themselves in delicious Cantonese […]

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Successful restaurant business
Ideas Trends

Running a successful restaurant business

Running a restaurant is no easy task, there are many factors that contribute to the success of a restaurant, and I’m here to tell you how. To start off, value your staff. When you have the enthusiasm of your staff, the success of your restaurant is bound to happen. Let your staff know that you […]

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